I have a love for piercings. I got my first lobes done as a baby, second at 18 and third at 19. I got my cartilage (helix) done at 19 and my nose also done at 19. I'm craving for more piercings. I'm such a big fan of Key that I'm thinking of getting my conch done next as a reminder that I am a Locket. This piercing, unlike most of my others, will have meaning to them. Not too sure if I will get it this year or next year. It's strange how music or rather people in music can influence your decisions. I don't think I would have even thought to get a conch piercing had I not discovered Key.
Sometime after I get my memorable and meaningful conch piercing, I may go and get my helix on my left ear (currently one on right ear). Possibly fourth holes? Or triple forward helix? The possibilities for piercings are endless.
Thank you Key for your influences :)
I'm too scared to get a conch but I had the exact same thought process as you, I want my helix and forward helix done just like Key has. As sort of a tribute to my ultimate bias (Along with some other piercings I'm getting this year : septum, smiley, tongue web..) yeah :3