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Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Locket? + Introduction

Yes a Locket. What's a Locket you might ask? Those that are Key biased are Lockets. Now..who is this "Key" fellow? Key is one of the most talented men I've ever seen. He is one of the members in the five member group SHINee. Key can rap, sing, dance, and act, earning him the nickname of Almighty Key.
Now is it just because of these talents that there are Key biased fans out there? Possibly. But there's more than just his talents. Key is gorgeous. From the time of SHINee's debut, May 25 2008, to now, Key has matured and has only become more gorgeous. Wait, is that even possible? Ha, well looking at progression pictures of him on google, yes, it is very possible. But now we've heard he's talented and gorgeous..but is that all fans fall for? For some, yes, for me, no. His personality is beautiful. He's funny and smart. He also acts as the "umma" in SHINee. If someone has to do it, might as well be him right? He's just about perfect to millions of girls. How so many wish they could be his Juliette :)

Now that I've said what a Locket is, I'll give a bit of info about myself. The name's Erica. I'm a university student majoring in biomedical science and minoring in music. Two completely different things, but hey, gotta do what you enjoy. I'm obviously a fan of SHINee. I intend on auditioning for SM in the next coming year. I want to be able to prove to people that I have talents, I can sing, I can dance, you just have to give me the chance. I also love Hello Kitty. My room is slowly being decked out in Hello Kitty. My favorite color is blue and I love anime and manga. I think that's just about it. I hope you enjoy my blog, as I'll be making a post every few days. :)

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