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Friday, September 14, 2012

A Date..? WITH KIBUM?!

Alright, so I know it's been like two or three months since I've posted, but I've actually been busy with school and work. School is important if I want to become an English teacher. And work is important if I want to make money to go to SMTOWN. After all, my priority for SMTOWN is to meet Key. BUT WAIT. What's this I hear about a special date with Key and Jonghyun? International fans? Oh my. I qualify. OH and what's this? I actually have the special skills they're looking for. BOOM SHAKALAKA! I'm applying because for once I think I have a chance. To go on a date with Key in Korea, it's like a dream. Even better, meeting him again at SMTOWN. What is this?! My life is becoming like...perfect. It's amazing.
Oh! The girls from SMTOWN livestream..we made a youtube channel. So please do check that out! It's an interesting channel with variety! We love doing videos, so please watch for more videos!
I hope you'll wait for me Kibum ♥

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Preparing for LA..and then Korea?!

My sisters and I have been planning and planning for SMTOWN '13. Sure it may sound crazy preparing for a concert that's a year away, but when you think about it...a year isn't that long to prepare. We have to worry about getting the money for our flights, hotel room(s?), food, shopping, and so on and so forth. It's not  going to be easy but I know we can do it. We all just worry about our youngest...who may not get to come. We do sincerely hope that you can come because it wouldn't be the same without you.
Korea. Korea? Korea! Yes KOREA. After SMTOWN we plan on working on building up our funds and getting an officetel, and a one way ticket to Korea....after securing jobs and/or getting into university. We are very excited about this. Korea is a country where we all know we'd feel more comfortable..more at home. We wouldn't feel like outsiders like we do here, judged for every little thing. We all hope that it works out and our journey to where we belong goes as planned. We hope to meet all of our beautiful idols and live happy lives there.

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Friends...No...Sisters

I have met the most amazing four girls. These girls are people that I needed to meet. They understand me. They don't judge. The five of us together can go on and on for hours. We are the female version of SHINee. We are EPiCC B. Our initials make that wonderful name. Sounds like an amazing group to me lol. Look out, we may be the next best thing in Korea! We are all saving up so we can go to SMTOWN 2013 together. We intend on staying for a week or a little more than that because there's so much that can happen and a few days...even a week is such a short time to spend together. Anyways, I love these girls and will cherish them always ♥.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

SHINee Inspired Fashion

..or rather Key inspired fashion :) I've been searching an buying clothes that are very similar to Key's. Whether it's his stage fashion, airport fashion, or just plain everyday fashion, I've been searching and have been successful so far in creating his Sherlock look and an outfit he wore at SMTOWN. I am excited to continue to find clothes that resemble his. I absolutely adore his fashion. Besides, every locket knows Key wants a girl that's fashionable. "I think girls with style are more beautiful than ones with a pretty face." ♥ Dear Key, you are just super sweet. Now if you only had time to date, you'd probably be the perfect boyfriend for any girl.

I think I will also do fashion inspired by Taemin or Jonghyun. I love all of their fashion to an extent, but I love Key's the most.

Monday, May 21, 2012


So..I didn't go, but I saw it via live stream. The person who live streamed it will remain unknown. But I adore this person for streaming it. I saw Key and he looked excited to be here. All the of SM artists looked like they truly enjoyed their stay in the US. To those that have yet to travel back, I hope you have a safe flight. 집에 안전하게 얻을. I truly enjoyed watching the concert. You all performed amazingly. Key, you certainly surprised me. Two special stages, along with the songs that you did with SHINee, I am impressed that you still had so much energy and the fact that you adapted to the time change so fast. But that is why you are Almighty Key. Love you ♥ It's also good to know you got home safely. 
"미국 도착 인증과 무사 귀국 인증 입니다Home sweet home ‘ㅂ’ 보고 싶었음!"

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Sad Locket Am I

SMTown is kicking off their World Tour on Sunday in LA. Does this locket get to go? No, of course not. Keeping tabs on when SHINee left and arrived makes me feel a little better, knowing they got here safely. But as the days continue to pass, I feel more sad. It's sad, but SHINee is what makes me smile. And knowing that I given more than enough warning to my parents about wanting to go..even having the money to go...I still wasn't able to go. I could understand if I was still a kid and had school, but I'm an adult who finished off my school semester two weeks ago. But parents will be parents, especially when they only have one child. Restrict them from doing what they want to do in order to keep your precious little girl or boy. It's time to let go and let me live my life. Let me travel, have amazing new experiences. Don't keep me locked up because you're afraid of the world. This locket hopes and prays that SMTown will come to NYC this year. It's only 8 hours away, a three day, weekend trip, is all I ask for.
 I just want to see his perfect smiling face in person...just once.

Friday, May 11, 2012


So today is my boyfriend's birthday. What better to do than make a blog post about his SHINee birthday present :)
I've printed a ton a SHINee stationary since he loves to write. I've made him a SHINee pen, and ordered a SHINee poster...well the poster..that's for me lol. But he loves SHINee almost as much as me, so this year was an easy one for presents.

My birthday is coming up shortly. It's right after Taeminnie's ♥ . So what did I ask for for my birthday?  A simple trip to Japan so I can see at least one concert of SHINee's Japan Tour. What did my parents say to that? "You must be out of your mind if you think you're going all the way to Japan to see them!" Okay cool...what about Cali? "No you're not traveling across the country to see them!" .....okay. Can I go to the "I AM" premiere in NYC? "That's 8 hours away" ...your point? I think they fail to realize that SHINee comes to the US about twice a year. They need to try and see it that way and grant me the one birthday wish I really want.