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Friday, September 14, 2012

A Date..? WITH KIBUM?!

Alright, so I know it's been like two or three months since I've posted, but I've actually been busy with school and work. School is important if I want to become an English teacher. And work is important if I want to make money to go to SMTOWN. After all, my priority for SMTOWN is to meet Key. BUT WAIT. What's this I hear about a special date with Key and Jonghyun? International fans? Oh my. I qualify. OH and what's this? I actually have the special skills they're looking for. BOOM SHAKALAKA! I'm applying because for once I think I have a chance. To go on a date with Key in Korea, it's like a dream. Even better, meeting him again at SMTOWN. What is this?! My life is becoming like...perfect. It's amazing.
Oh! The girls from SMTOWN livestream..we made a youtube channel. So please do check that out! It's an interesting channel with variety! We love doing videos, so please watch for more videos!
I hope you'll wait for me Kibum ♥

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